~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)
26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.
i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.
my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*
cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)
give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]
mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!
**carPe diEm!!!**
**speciaLLy fEr U..**
**iTz deaR's biRfdaE!!! =D**
**daPor doNe!!! =D**
**waD is it liKE 2b diFfereNt?**
**geYlanG agaiN**
**2 doWn, moRe to gO!!!!**
**teMp joB in proGreSs**
::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::
hmmm..quiTe a boring daY. intentIon to coNtinUe mY cLeaninG taSks weRe pInned doWn by suMting taT haPPeNed in d earLy aFternOon. *siGh*
i haVe to saY diS 'cOS i neeD to Let diS oUt. *siGh* WhaT d fcUk! wHaT d fu*k! gaWd. i'M maD as heLL 'coS i'm freaKing huRt. wadeVa. waDeVa.
nOt taT i'Ve not learNt mucH from my pareNtz abOut beiNg paRentz. i Do. i've learnT a greaT deaL of waD NOT to do. *siGh* fiNe, i shaLL noT disCrediT deM for waD i aM now. iN my staTe of miNd noW, i can onLi sEe d bLacks & greYz. PffFfttt.
shaLL disCuss dis morRe weN i'm moRe centeRed. foR nOw iTs jUZ raNtiNgz oF aN angerEd chiLd. u coUld reAd moRe of thEse raNtingZ heRe.
fOr noW, a poeM tO refLect my resoLve 2b a BesT paRent i caN to my chiLdreN in fuTure.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
i dO noT liKe beIng angereD & beIng aNgrY.
forGive me faTher, fOr i haVE siNned.