falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::

Your Say

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speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

11 more daYs....gosH. dis tyM in 2 wks tyM i'd aLready be in a marriaGe thaT's 3 days old. *hiakzz*

how fast tyM fLies. n tyM wiLl move fasTer over d nexT 11 daYs. weN i oPen my eyes, it'D be the eVe of mY soLemnisatiOn. =P

i'M stomachinG a loadfuL of butterfLies in my tuMMy..aLl whirLing liKe a washing machiNe. *hehehee*

n i tinK aLL d hustLe & bustLe in d househoLd is addinG oN to d nerVes. d pareNts' antiCs reaLi need me to puT on my cLoak of patieNce. *hiakzz* everyOne's getting prettY excited for d wedding i suPpose. hurHurhur. =P

d masTer bedrOom's aLready painTed; its bryT yeLLow & greeN nOw..all sunshiNe & cheerY. (",) juZ need to fiX new lyTz, sum railIngz for d cLothes & curtaiNs & we're aLL set for d bridaL rooM. =D

feeLz kinda weiRd thouGh 2b stayinG in d masTer bedroOm. sucH sacrifiCe froM d parents. tsK. tsK. so tarchiNg. gUes deY understand d neeDs of d youNg ones beTta. kweKwekwe. *griNnzz*

me & deaR wen for our lasT raya as singLes wif d sLackerz. everY1's teasinG us about our uPcoming weddinG & as oUr cLosest gruP of freNz, i suPPose..theY're aLso exciTed...its d 1st weddiNg 4d grouP! (",) sUm picz for ur viewinG:

faV gruP pic @ naZ's pLace (walaupoN muKe dah stoNe..=P)

mY new bestiE - taufiK, raudHa's nepHew. kiut ryT heee??

drY run for a famiLy pic? *griNzzz*

anoTher faV gruP pic. checK out d backgrouNd. hurhurhur.

sO manY tings about d weddinG is goinG through mY head nOw. juz hoPe it wiLL go sMoothLy. pray 4me tOo, dear freNs..praY for uS..

count wif me peopLe.













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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:20 PM :)

mY reD 'Ain
Saturday, October 20, 2007

22 moRe daYs to d weddiNg & i Have d reD eyE.

::SheeSh. i'M seeiNg Red!::

to put it mOre aptLy..d whoLe househoLD is having d reD eye. StartEd froM d daD, foLLowed by d 2 nieCes..n suMhow, yesTErdaY after werK...My rYt eye starTed itchiNg & feeLing agitatEd.

theN a pierciNg paIn surfaCed oN d toP part of d eYe. Sakit giLerrrr.


iT's beeN so Long sinCe i cauGht soRe eyeS. the lasT tiMe i got it was in primAry schOOl. tat's eOns awaY!

n U noe how much i Loathe falling iLL...d feeLing of miserY reaLi eaTs me uP.

As mucH as i detesT geTTing infecTed, i suPPose i shouLd b tenkfuL thaT i aM gettinG it onLi nOw..and not durinG d weddiNg itself later On. @leasT deR's sumtinG positiVe out of this liL' ordeaL.. =)

Dear Allah, please look after mY family members & myself as we go throUgh d weddinG prePz. Please leT the functiOn & ceremoNies go smOothly as pLanned. Do protecT us frOm any harMs & danGErs. amiin. InsyaAllah.

FreNz & feLLow countryMen, maKe uR dO'as for Us as weLL, ya?

Ok..d briDe 2b neeDs to resT.

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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 6:33 AM :)

black huMour
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

yesterdaY was a LessoN on "neVa Say tHat U duN wanna get ur aRse to werK".

poSt-hoLiday mOod; heNce, the reLuctanCe & 'liat'-Ness to get d buTt to werK.

d mawNing duLL atmospHere was disrupteD by aN urgeNt pubLic requesT for heLp.

d daY theN waS fiLLed wiF Loads of:

a) bLack huMour - Me & coLleague, zaK weRe amusIng ourseLves wiF snaPshotz of Life, aLbeit d heaRt puMping situatiOn. H/M/I. i shaLL neVa forget. d scenE@ d hosPitaL. d "paY my biLL" one-Liners.

b) T-2 (teaRs & toucH) - d torrenT of sadNess; d suDden huG; d storM of emotioNs; d inTense shUddEr againsT my bodY

c) quicK minDwerK & probLem-soLving. onLy Allah knOws whaT was goiNg thrU' my heAd & heaRt. d reLief tat enveLoped me oNce aLL was saiD & dOne... was..priceLess.

i muZ saY thaT..thoSe 5 hOurs weRe d nexT mosT adrenaLine rushiNg momeNtz of my caReer aFter d aCeh stinT.

'Nuff sAid.

goNna b anOther daY @ werk nOw.

so..wHat's nexT?

n peopLe...Life is preciOus. rememBer thaT.

"u duN tinK sO mucH arH. All probLems can be soLved."


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:18 PM :)

25 more daYs....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

25 more daYs.

Oh yes, before I go oN, eiD mubaraK to aLL my Muslim frenz out theRe. May ur SyawaL be filled with more warmtH & happiness with ur Loved Ones. (",)

Syawal this year has special meaning for me; mainly because it will be the last one spent as a single lady. =) Well, it just feels like any other Syawal, just that
my mind is not really about the Eid celebrations, but the wedding preparations. *hiakzz*

monThs of pLanning & anticipatioN; the moment thaT me & dear haVe beeN waiting foR will finally be heRe. the taLk for the past 3 days whiLe visitinG, entertaiNing guesTs and relatives have been pretty mucH about d weddiNg. issuinG cards, mom reminding relatives to heLp out & rewanG2, peopLe oggLing over waD a nice wedding inviTe I Have (yaY! tenX zaK!), uncLes & auntiEs teLling me wad a FAT briDe i wiLL be (*sigh*) and runninG thrOugh d weddiNg preparatioN checklist over & over again wiTh differenT peopLe.

aLL dis iS making my heart skiP many2 beats & my stomach churninG like a washing machine wif many butterfLies in it. anxieTy, warMth, loVe, paranOia & exciteMent aLL roLLed intO one. the thoUght that me & dear wiLL be husband & wife sOon makes me smiLe that secreT smiLe. =) sucH a bLissfuL thought...

iT aLso seems as if mY wedding is THE wedding frieNds have been lOOking forward to. Haaa. i coUld possibLy see speecH bubbLes such as "faJ the tombOy sportswoMan bacK @ skuL, who diN seem to haVe any tyM to daTe or oggLe @ meN back in skuL is gettinG married" forM in friEnds' heads weN news of the wedding is shaRed. d thought of seeinG me aLL doLLed uP in pretty cLothes & maKe uP seem to maKe sUm partieS beaM in wiDe griNs & adrenaLine. hwahwahwa. Yes..hopefuLLy i wiLL be a prettY briDe..lookinG my besT despite d FAT-ness. *sigh* [i haVe sumhOw pLedged & aM resiGned to my faTe, thaT i shaLL fasT for d nexT few weeKs befOre my weddiNg.]

i thinK my sibLingz & parents are enjoying the wedding worK as weLL. its been about almost a decaDe since the hOusehold has not hosted a wedding. having siblings wif their respective families & loads of nieces & nephews sure wiLL make d wedding a memorabLe & meriah one, insyaAllah. can't imagine myseLf on d diaS hoLding my smiLe for snaPshotz wif family after familY, thoUgh. *hiakzz* i dare saY i can't smiLe for Nuts. i dOn't know how to smiLE! aNybody care to
teach me hOw to do it withoUt appearinG so pLastic? *grinZzz*

so, i shaLL continUe waitinG in anticipatioN for d biG daY. (",)

i went Raya visitinG to Jb on sundaY. While taking diS wif my eLder sisTer, my youNger cousiN commenteD:

"kak Jaja dah naK kawin nie maKin berseri-sEri ekh?"

hwahwahwa. Seri pengaNtin sudah datang kErr? Maybe there is really such a thing as the seri pengantin (d bride's gLow, or something to that effect, lah).

that maDe me smiLe & aLL warm insidE. i loVed maK's respoNse to d couSin, "Abis biLa kaU dah nak kawiN duLu, takkaN muKa kaU tak berseri-seri??" =P

An uncLe left d hOuse yesterdaY & patted my bacK "Sabar eh naK eh; lagik brapa minggu aja." Wadeva that means, i'll juz take it as positiVe encouragemeNt. *kwekwekwe*

Ok people. come, count d daYs wiF me... (",)

~Two souls with but a single thought,Two hearts that beat as one.~

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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 10:00 PM :)

finaLLy...after a Long, loNg wait....
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Its finally heRe!!!!

Ohhh...abang anuarkUuu...........

daNg..inah beat me to geTTing the CD. =P

Its oK...i shall satisfY myseLf wiF what technoLogy has providEd for firsT...

LurVee his new aLbum! its wertH d wait. Abg aNuar'S such a romantiC. So sorry peopLe for the overfLowing show of affectiOn. I haVe a Long-standinG crusH on Abg anUar. hurHurhur.

2 of my faV sonGz froM d aLbum:

KetuLusan Hati

Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau biarkan kasihku

Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati
mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu

Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untu selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau benarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku


Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

I'm the lucKy one

Ku persembahkan satu cita ku..
Setulus hati hanyalah untukmu
dan ku lakukan semampu aku tuk menyayangimu
hingga kau merasa jadi pujaan ku
meski bercinta kadang tak indah
tapi tuk buktikan kau yg terindah
dan kupastikan..i'm the lucky one..
nikmati cinta lebih dari segalanya....

jiwaku ini yg tak tersentuh
kini terasa sejak bersamammu
berikan hangat hinggaku x mampu berjauh drmu
kerna kau yg bisa buatku bahagia

meski bercinta kadang tak indah
tp tuk buktikan kau yg terindah
dan ku pastikan i'm the lucky one
nikmati cinta lebih dari segalanya

caramu membuatku x berdaya
hatiku pun ribut terjaga
kau ubah hidupku ini jadi sempurna

meski bercinta kadang tak indah
tp tuk buktikan kau yg terindah
dan ku pastikan i'm the lucky one
nikmati cinta lebih dari segalanya

LurVee d LyricS of d soNg.


Ok..goNna go huNt 4d aLbum noW & surroUnd myseLf wiF more LurVeeee... *griNzz*

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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 3:17 AM :)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

i hate dusT.

i hate faLLing sicK.

i haTe bLowing my nOse.

i hate haVing my nose bLocked.

i haTe feeLing liKe a soFt biscUit.

i Hate spring cLeaning.

i Hateeeeee....NOW.



-thOughTz sPoKen @ 12:55 PM :)

new LooK...new pHase sOon...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

i'Ve decided to give uP editing d size of fonTs for earlier entries. dis entry onwards shaLL be proportioNate to d new Look of d bLog. sO peopLe, should u b scroLLing down the bLog historicaLLy, pardoN d eye sOre due to d large foNtz. Not taT i tinK my readers r visuaLLy chaLLenged, but yeaH, u ruffLy get my pOint ryt?

anywayz..i'Ve been meaNing to bLog an entr
y doWn here..but as aLways, i'M chaLLenged by tyM.

10 more daYs b4 Ramadhan ends. i muz say i'm quite disappointed wif myseLf dis tym roUnd 'coS i'Ve not been abLe to fuLLy maximiSe d ibadaH opportunities dis Ramadhan. I'm not suRe why i'M extremeLy tiRed @dis point of tiMe. perhaps its 3 tuisyEn assignmeNts & 4 tuitiOn kidz thaT r weighinG me dOwn, pLus d lOad@werK. noT that my bOss is a meaNie. tinK persoNally, i'm struggLing wiF all d current responsibiLities
vis-à-viS d tiMe i haVe @ hanD.

my tuitIon kiDz aLL want a pieCe of me 'Cos now its exaM periOd. my case fiLes are screamiNg to be fiLLed wiF uPdates on previOus & current sessiOnz. d duSt @hoME is caLLing out to Be vacUumed 'cOs hari raYa's round d corNer. weddiNg's in 5 weekS tyM & sO manY, maNy tinGz need to be doNe. i'M pHysicaLLy worn oUt & iT shouLdn't be so 'cOs i nEed 2b fresH, aLive & kickiNg for d BIG daY.

aarGhhh! aaarH. aaarGhhh!

n i tiNk i'm haVing d pre-MarriaGe jitterZ. kwakwakwa. 5 more weeKs. 5 more weeKs. 5 more weeKs!!!

bite fiNgerz..bite naiLs. teeTh cLatter. =P

deaR & me haVe been refLecting d moMents b4 our biG daY to each otHer. Its not so mucH of disbeLief..i meaN, we did pLan to haVe d weddiNg, ryT? =P i tinK its more of d reaLisatioN that we wiLL b enteriNg another phase of Our life togeTher wif d speciaL suMone. u tinK about d adjustMents to coMe. u woNder abOut hOw ur soLemnisatioN ceremoNy & weddiNg receptioN wiLL turn out. u poNder abOut each otHer's cLoset idioSyncracies thaT wiLL come to Lyt. *ahakZ* insyaAllah, it wiLL be a wOnderfuL journEy; a process of discOvery and acceptanCe, pePpered wiF sweeT & sour spiCes.

i'D b takiNg days of leaVe each weeK startinG today. cLeaning beckOns me.

n not forgettiNg momenTz of seLf-pamperinG. iTs uroT & body scruB todaY!

.faJ is goNna taKe a waLk in d midSt of heaVy traffiC.


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 9:50 PM :)