falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::

Your Say

Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

mY heROoOo..... =P
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i muZ cautiOn U thaT diS few tyMz aheaD wiLL be a spOradiC entriEs of soNgz & tuNes.

n sO d storY gOes.....

beFore deaRest caMe, there was anoTher maN. *hiaKzzZ* i probaBly wouLD souND bimboTic in diS entrY..bUt neH miNd laH, anYthinG for d Ex. =P

n sO d otHer maN: mY abaNg....abaNg aNuaR..... ;o) aaarghhhHh..caN't get enuF of hiM.... :

suNg wiF sucH greaT convictiOn & feeLing.... *aWwwWw* n i compLeteLy lurVeee his neW lOok!!!! sO kaWaiii & koreAn!!!

hOW ofTeN do u heaR gUd engLish siNging frOm maLay sinGers?? *griNzzZ*

mY favouritE soNggGg......

Sesucinya Cintamu

Dapatku membayangkan
Dari senyum bibirmu itu
Terlindung dari nyata
Aku tahu semua
Terucap kata-kata
Bisikan seluhur hatimu
Ku percaya jua
Sesucinya cintamu

Ku kagumi sinar
Matamu yang ayu

Wajahmu sayang
Penyejuk rasa
Selembut hatimu
Menjadiku bertambah sayang

(Repeat KORUS)

Senangnya hati kini
Sejak bersamamu
Bertemu dan bermesra

Sering menghibur duka
Biar masa berlalu
Kasih sayang dipahatkan
Ku percaya suci cintamu

(Repeat KORUS)

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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 10:40 AM :)

iniKah asmaRa......??
Monday, June 25, 2007

AsMara (by AnneKe gronLoh)

Oh begini rasanya
Hatiku sengsara
Mengingat dia hatiku luka
Kerna tergoda oleh cinta

Oh begini rasanya
Hatiku sengsara
Mengingat dia hatiku luka
Kerna tergoda oleh cinta

Diri sanggup membela
Kepada saya, yang sengsara

Diri sanggup membela
Kepada saya, yang sengsara

Oh asmara banyaklah pengaruhnya
Manusia hidup dalam bahayanya

Oh cinta itu memang satu penggoda
Kita harus tahu menjaga
Agar hidup mulia


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 6:15 PM :)

soMe tuNezzz..

beeN awhiLe diS bLog is withOut an update. shaLL leaVe d storiEs for Later. meanwhiLe..suM soNgz for d recoRd:

i lurVeeee....baNg saMsoNs'!!!!! =D *hiaKZzz*

rawK neBer diEzzz beB....aMy seaRch juGak d besT.. *yeaAahhhh!!*

YeaaaHhh..kLuarkan lighTer2 Mu sMuerrr!!! *griNzzZzz*

n not forGetting my laGu pebreT sangaT2 durinG d zamaN raWk kegemiLangaN yaNg menYerLah... *faJ sticKz out tonGue n d rawK 3-finGers siGn*:

taK bLeH angkaT maN, see d giTar-isTs. =P

shaMrin sOoo kiuTtt..i loiKee hiM so mucH weN i was budaK2 oKay.. hiaKzz. see hiM sinG diS soNg NOW. *hee* his voiCe stiLL maintaiN beB!



-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:35 PM :)

goT loVe?
Monday, June 11, 2007

aFter friDay nYt renDezvOus, i feLL in lurVe wif d soNg by acHa sePtriaSa & IrwaNsyaH. YerP, itZ d oNe u're HearinG oN d bLog ryT noW. Ya..ya.. as mucH as i foUnd their initiaL duEt, "my heaRt" irritatiNg.... diS soNg.. is a chaNge. i lurVee d tuNe & d LyriCs of coUrse. =D apparentLy iTs oN d OST of "lOve is CINTA". i beTTa go lOok foR d VCD theN. *hiaKzz*

cLear ur eaRs 4 d wOrDz of d soNg...:

Ada ciNta - AcHa sePtriaSa & irwaNsyaH
Ucapkanlah kasih..
Satu kata yang kunantikan
Sebab ku tak mampu membaca matamu
Mendengar bisikmu

Nyanyikanlah kasih..
Senandung kata hatimu
Sebab ku tak sanggup mengartikan getar ini
Sebab ku meragu pada dirimu

Mengapa berat ungkapkan cinta
Padahal ia ada
Dalam rinai hujan, dalam terang bulan
Juga dalam sedu sedan

Mengapa sulit mengaku cinta
Padahal yang terasa
Dalam rindu dendam, hening malam
Cinta.. terasa ada…


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 10:55 AM :)

brinG on d Honey!
Monday, June 04, 2007

oKay..itz d skL hoLz; meaninG, iTs juz me & brO @HoMe. pareNTz, as usuaL r doIng theiR skuL hoLiday rituaL- BaLik KampoNg..

whicH aLso meaNs tHat gOodY me get tO speNd extRa tyM oUtsiDe wiF freNs whiLe deY're @iT. *hiakzZ*

weeKend was a weLL speNt oNe; quiTe tirEd tHouGh. attendeD a weddinG, an engagemeNt functiOn, visiTed a freN wHo gave birTh recentLy, not forgettiNg..tuitiOnnnnn.... *fainTzz*

aNyway, was hanGing ouT wiF my sLAcker maiTez aFter d weddinG on saturdaY tiLL wee hoUrs of d nYt. (noT so wEe lah...haa!)

wiF cuPz of drinKz froM foRum's coffEe beaN, sOme craPPy "bee" joKes caMe aboUt. So, jUz for d recoRd, lauGhter's d besT mediciNe:

I) What dO u caLL beEs thaT prodUce miLk?
Ans: Boo-Bies. (i saiD bi-Su initiaLLy. Haaaa.)

nOw, RaU's joKe goT everyOne staRted. aLL of uS begaN cooKing uP suM oTher hoNey craP...

II) WhaT do u caLL a Bee thaT liKes to tricK?
Ans: BooBy traP

III) A bEe thaT caNNot speaK?
Ans: Bi-Su

IV) a noisY bee?
Ans: Bi-siNg

V) a Bee that coMes in 2 pieCes / a paiR of bEes?
Ans: Bi-Kini (2 pieCes, geddiT)

VI) aN irritatiNg bEe / a gataL Bee?
Ans: BI-TcH

VII) a Bee thaT has Aged?
Ans: BI-oL(d) =P

VIII) a Bee ThaT maY bursT wheN iTs toucHed?
Ans: Bi-soL


i'M amazEd @mY sLackeR koNcoS' sponTaneitY (n mySelf, of couRse); i suPPose it was juZ d tyM of d daY wheN aLL of Us wouLd starT "actiNG oUt". @pasT mid-Nyt, ouR craPPiness LeveL surE rockEted skY hiGh.

oK..shaLL eNd diS saccHarineLy craPPy pOst wiF a suWeeeTttt peeKtuRe:

a bLissfuL marriaGe tO LiZa & huBBy! (",)

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-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:55 PM :)