~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)
26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.
i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.
my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*
cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)
give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]
mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!
**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**
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::October 2008::
iTs caLLed loVe @ itS peaK.... *grInzzz & swOonzz* oNe of my faVe lurVe tunez frOm d musicaL:
Let Me begiN dis entry..wIF a bIg siGh: BANYAK KESSSS!!!!! aKu nak pengsan boLeh nGgakkk????? haiZzzz. it feeLz liKe d moRe i'm cLimbinG up d moUntaiN of caSe fiLes by catcHing uP on my recordiNgz, d moRe highEr it seeMz i haVe to scaLe. ya Allah, graNt me that patieNce & strengTh to dO waD i mUz do as a weRker; do Not waNe my seNse of responsibiLity toWards my cLientz & proFessiOn, pLeaSsseeeee.
thaT asIde, noW, sumtinG heaRtwarming. i lurVe puTeri guNong LedaNggG!!!!!! tenK God me & geNg got d tiKets earLy. kaLau taK, gigiT jari, beB. =D i haD lurVed d muVee versiOn; but i lurVed d musicaL eveN moReee!!!
n oF koS, i conVerted dear froM a musicaL skeptiC tO a "i waNNa go 4d-nexT oNe" musicaL enthusiaSt. So, we'Ve deciDed that phantoM wouLd b nexT on ouR to watCh lisT.
PGL musicaL was a wunderfuL mix of Love swOon-ingNess, hurT & saD, huMour & a bitter suWeet enDing. d triaLz & tribuLatioNz of d haNg tuah & Gusti Puteri RetnO dumiLah, aKa, puteri guNung LedanG; d reLatioNship beTween kingdomZ; taT idea of LoyaLty to d sultan & thaT feaR towaRdz d suLtan's dauLat.
i studiEd sejArah mLayu in my uNi daYz. i caN't recaLL dis loVe tinGy btWn PGL & hanG tuaH. i toT tuaH was in lurVe wiF tun teJa leeh. buT neh miNd laH, deR's mOre ficTion den faCt in that histOry bOOk. =P sO its tuaH & PGL theN. hiaKhiakhiaK.
d stAge theatricaLz & proPz were simpLy suPerb. i waS so amaZed wif d uSe of cLothz, d sCreen, d moVabLe wooden bLockz, d lightiNgz. i lurVeeee!!
n oF koS.. aBg tuaH waS so...'makE me on cLoud 9'. He has stage preSence, maN! no haRm in urs truLy joiNing in d sCreamz of teeNage gerLz weN he'S on sTage. *griNzz* i lurVee his vocaLz, verY stroNg & greaT pitchiNg. desPite hiS 'S' syndroMe [heHe..], i mUz giVe him creDit fOr grasPing d LanguaGe aLbeit, it iS not his motHer toNgue.
beiNg aN ex-siLat-Er, i mUz coMment thOugh taT abaNg tuaH'S laNgkah2 siLat is So..sUmbanG! =P i fOrgive hiM thOugh, siNce he waS an imPort frOm wesTern Landz. *wiNKzz* nEvathEless, charm oVerrides everYting abaNg stephen! kweKweKwe.
faV sCene haNdz dOwn: d caBaret-Like daNce rOutiNe by d suLtan. taT caMe reaLi unexpectedLy. kWakwakwa.. ;o) weLL, its a musicaL anywaY! =D
tyM to remiNisCe:
i lurVee diS sceNe; cLoth broUght liFe to seA & shore. pure kewLneSs.
aLL proTagonIsts & antaGonisTs oN stage nOw. Gua taBikz Ac miZaL's depIctiOn of adiPati of MajapaHit!
"kaTa deMi kaTa, merubah tutuR jadI raSa...": luRveEe-iNg bY by maJapahIt's StArz & MooN
"kaTakaN haDirmU keraNa cinTa tuAh...": loVe coMes b4 duTy, or duTy b4 loVe? love thYseLf OR lovinG thEe?
mOre poseS pre & posT shOw to end diS pgL triBute:
waTch out 4d recent musicaL/theatricaL convert! =P
i shaN't maKe proMises myseLf to uPdate dis bLoggie. i get big tyM disappoinTed maN! *ahakzz* yeah..been teLling myseLf i shUd uPdate d bLog more ofTen. get myself so Lost in werK & tyM..So it seeMz, updatez wiLL come onLi once in a bLue mOon. Betta maKe deM preciSe & Ones taT haVe coVerage as laRge as d sateLLite disH. [kreKre..aPa aKu meraPekz nie? =P]
weLL, weLL..if it isN't d seaSon fer lurVeee. d lurve buG haS entered d hearT of One of my coLLeaguez. isN't it saccharineLy suWeet 2b faLling in lurVe? taT looK on d faCe, d secreT smiLez (which u tiNk r secreCtz yeT cLearly evidenT to othErs aroUnd U *teeHee*), d dressiNg uP, d joYous & hePi mood switcHes, d huMmingz to soNgz, d looKing forward to daTes. aaaH. hiaKhiaK. aLL i caN say is thaT, baBe, weLcome to d werld of giviNg tuitiOn. kweNg kweNg kWeng. ;o)
whiCh made me tiNk about myseLf faLLing in lurVe. biG O saiD that i toK about fiaNce as iF i've been married for ten yeaRz. nOw, is taT a gud tinG, or bad tinG? *griNzz* basicaLLy, i tinK i'M one hu doEsn't show my loVe n affectiOn opEnly to otHerz. onLi taT speciaL sum1 geTs to see tat siDe of Me. sO to otHerz, i'd toK abOut fianCe & other cLose 1s in a practicaL mannEr, i guEss. [tat'S about d besT waY i caN eXplain it. *teeHee*] i'D blUsh eveN more if peoPle seE or spOt tat i'M bLushinG. hiaKhiaK. ya..coMe to tinK of it..weN i was faLLing in lurVe with fiaNce, i waSn't showinG clEar siGns to coLleagueZ & thoSe aroUnd me taT i waS getting intO a reLationshiP & experiencing mucH butterflIes in my tuMMy. *hee*
iTs an enjoYable experience indeeD to see suM1 faLL in lurVe. noT taT d bLushinG, d menteL smiLe & d dressiNg uP are tings i griN tO my expensE. a bLossoMing loVe remind u of ur owN & hOw urS bLossoMed. lurVe in d aiR translates to groWing of moRe feeLingz of loVe. iT strengThens ur convictiOn in loVe as weLL. Ok laH, shan't geT aLL sappY@diS hour of d daY.
tO my coLLeaGue, enJoy d hoNeymOoning & i hOpe deR's mucH tasTe of hOney in aLL phaSes of ur reLationshiP. it couLd b a roLLer coasTer riDe; bUt i'M verY mucH suRe tHat u'D b enjOying mosT parTs of d riDe. (",)
juZ waNNa say thaT..i lOve u much, deaR.
d accideNt. d hiTs. d miSses.
soMe chaLLenges haVe coMe our waY.
But let'S have faitH fOr:
to love is tO fyT, to endUre, to beLieve.
tiLL d daY we r UniteD as husBand n wiFe.
maY Allah bLess & protect oUr reLationshiP froM negatiVitieS. mAy Allah fiLl our heaRts & miNdz wiF positive feeLings & thOughtz. maY HE help us in diS jourNey 2B beTTer partners & servaNtz, insyaAllah.
carniVal coMing uP [in whiCh d couPonz r not soLd as yeT. *gaWd* i'd prObLy end uP juz purchasiNg d tix fer mY famiLy memBerz. waitinG fOr toMorrow tO coMe. hehehe!]
traIning sessiOn coMing uP. 60% doNe. nOw, d cHasinG & confirMing & caLling uP of d meN has potentiaL 2B aN arduOus tasK!! *fainTzzz*
more caSes to foLLow-Up & see.
AaaRGghh!! sO many tinGz to dO yeT i caN't fiGure wHere to staRt & where it aLL enDz!! gRrRRrrr!!!!!!!
chANt d maNtra: i lurVeee werK. werK lurvEs me [taT's y it keePs coMing! ;o)] i lurVe U. u lurVe me. waH maTi, kaLo werkLoad maKin tinGgi. hiaKhiaKhiaK. =P
Ok laH! naK siaP p koje nie!!
waaaH..haVen't beeN updatiNg in awhiLe. wiLL sHare about d LatesT fiRst deN.
nOw, Let suM picTureS do d taLking ferSt:
grEen waS d tHeme chOsen foR diS yeaR. oF coUrse, deR wEre sUm deFectErz liKe mE & deaR..& naZ. yaNi caMe laTer bY defauLt. *hEe* aS u caN see frOm d picz, deaR & me LoOked kiNda sweEt. *seLf-praiSe in progress..grInzzzZzz*
i drOve diS yeaR. gAwd, i actuaLi droVe. yeSterdaYz agO, i simPly saT in d caR beiNg chaUffeUred arOund. moMenTz awaY i jUz watcHed my feLLow sLacker maNage d vehicLe. quiTe an achieveMent, but raTher tiriNg. tOwards d enD of d daY, i Let otHer driVers take d wheeL. deaR droVe me hOme & heLped me parK d caR. ;o) parKing is mY weRst nYtmaRe!!
sO..greY & siLver neXt yeaR aye?