falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::

Your Say

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Monday, May 29, 2006

waD d heLL!

hOw daRe U!!


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 2:01 PM :)

loUd haiLer, naiL or haMMer?

iTz eitHer a Loud haiLer, a naiL guN or a biGGer haMMer taT i shUD geT intO dis houSehoLd.

oK weLL, nOt intO diS househoLd per Se; bUt outsiDe it. SO, taT i caN freaking scReaM iNto d loUd haiLer (to maKe my werDs loUder juz in caSe it doesN't geT thrU' suM peopLe's heaD); shOot naiLz aT d aRses oF d stubborn, biG-HeaDed oR 'i duNNo waD's goiN-oN insiDe d heaD' individuaLz aNd do suM haMMer smashiNg in froNt of My fLat's dOorsteP (juz to shOW d werLd hoW freaKing maD i aM). lesT i dO theSe tinGz, juz for fuN as weLL.

diS is waY beyOnd crisiS. diS is simpLy patheTic wiF a capitaL P.

i haVe beeN a rePetitiVe roBot; weRdz, mY anGer & diSmaY i caN't miNce aNy loNger.

Itz doWnrYt in ur faCe, i caN't b boThereD, U do waD u waN attituDe taT i'M simPly throWing aT d necessarY partieS now.

5 weRdz for d pLayers.

grOw uP. geT a LifE.


geT out of mY heaD.

nOw, taT's 10! aAh hecK!

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 1:31 PM :)

frUst tOnggeK & otHer muSes
Monday, May 22, 2006

i wuNder Y aNd hOw cOme d braiN is ofteN not maxiMised bY d living beiNg.

i wuNder wHy d imaGined caN transLate to sucH greaT fear.

i wUnder whY peopLe dO not get to d rOOt of d proBlem But insTead enD up exterNalising d issUe to otHer tinGs n otHer peopLe.

i wUnder hOw n whY peopLe caN b so seLfisH; daMn seLfisH, freaKing seLfisH.


i aM daMn peeVed.


tenK gOd for youtuBe. d cuRe to mY boredoM n mY frustratioNz.

i lurVe dis 2 clIps. dis gerL is oNli 16. iTs a pop-idoL kiNda shOw in sPain. wuNderfuL voIce she haS!!

Yes..yes..@diS poiNt i reaLLy feeL lyK i'M aLL by myseLf. i've saiD my pieCe. d resT is uP to peopLe.

i'D like to tinK/sEe my parentz as mY heroEs. nOt individuaLz i fear n woUld wanna distance myseLf froM. i wiLL n hOpe 2b a guD parenT weN i haVe kids of my owN in futurE, insyaAllah..

Breathe in..n oUt.. wad's haPPening haS its pUrpose.

hisTory is repeaTing itseLf. i kNow i caN't beaR to pUt myseLf thrU' a simiLar enactMent of d paSt. But it IS happening. i am frustratEd. buT i HAVe to accept it.

Juz goTTa wait for bryTer skIes n d rainBow to aPPear after d stOrM..........

n AaarGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wHEre d (**&&^%%^$ arE my greY's anatoMy cLips!!! deY've beeN reMoved!!

wHy, teLL me whY!! whY???!!!!


*draMa maMa-iNg in proGress*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:10 AM :)

idoL feVer
Friday, May 19, 2006

weLL, weLL..so iTz dowN to kaThy gerL & tayLor boY in d finaL 2 of d idoL seasOn 5. nOt taT i'M a reaL greaT faN of d show; i baRely waTch it! =P *ahaKzz* sO no sweaTing oVer hu wiNs fer mE.

n yA...s'Pore idOl's starTing diS wEekEnd. wiLL der b moRe taLent or juz looKz diS tyM? naaH..i'M noT interesTed tO knoW eiTher. kwenG kweNg kwenG.

Let's breaK away froM d nOrm n enJoy dis idoL cLip..:

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:58 AM :)

i M greY-iNg agaiN....
Sunday, May 14, 2006

forGive me, peopLe. i M sO greYinG agaiN!!!!

diS moMent is sO aWww-Ing............ *faJ aWwwssssSss*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:08 AM :)

u studY anatoMy??
Saturday, May 13, 2006

oK.. i Noe i'M a late bLoomer. i"m noW hoOked oN d TV serieS taT haS beeN arouNd fer quite suM tyM. tenX to a coLLeague (tenx aYa!) Hu borroWed me seaSon's I DVD. In suMMary, juZ waNna shOut oUt thaT i M nOW so uLtra-HooKed oN greY's anatoMy. haHa! =P

i'Be been surfiNg d neT aboUt d seriEs. DereK sheppard's beeN termeD as Meredith greY's mr McdreaMy. hehehehehEhhEhe!!

*siGh*deRek's wiFe is such a spoiLer. Oooh..nvM...

yeaH..heRe's an intenSe cLip beTWeen merediTh & dereK. deRek, u caN't haVe d besT of both werLds. *roLL eYeZ*

nOw, i caN't wait for seaSon II's dVd. waD to do..i haVen't been foLLowing seasOn II on TV. sO wad i resOrt to is surfiNg fer d serieS sniPPetz & synoPses of d seasOn's episOdes. *griNzz*

Oh..here'S another cLip. i tiNk mereditH sO....keSiaaaNnn.... =S bUt deN agaiN, iS it ryT/saNe to asK suM1 to divoRce hiS wiFe? deN, in d 1st pLace, y did dereK pursuE her? wOohOo~ d weB of compLicated reLationshiPs in d serieS..many!

i aM officiaLLy studYing anatoMy nOw. *griNzz*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 2:50 PM :)

waD tHe..!?!?!?!

diS posT is a distastefuL one. sO, cuT me suM sLack n pardoN my laNguage.

suM parents seriouSly need to geT their act togeTher. y b a paRent wEn U caN't b a responsiBle oNe? y b a pareNt weN u beHave like **&&*&^&&^&@#$((&*^^^^%%##!!!!

i M sicK n tireD of beiNg parentiFied.

bLArdy heLL.

mY eaRz r doIng taT mentaL bLock of ListeNing to d bucKetfuL of noNsensicaL compLaints abOut ur kiD.

n deN wad? u waN me to taKe actiOn arh?

pLease laH. itz not mY kiD okie.

YOU go do sumTing abOut it.

i M so bLardY pisSedd oFff!! i caN't handLe aLL diS craP & buLL anyMore!


eNuf Oredi!!!!!!!!!!


-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:05 AM :)

Friday, May 12, 2006

duN u juZ lurVe sUrprisEs? wuN u lurVe it if oNe coMes ur waY?

waD surPriseS U? wad maKes ur daY speciaL? and wad maKes speciaL, daYz? geDdit?


i lurVe surprisiNg peopLe. duN u?

waN a surPrise?

paTience, mY deaR. U'd geT it in Due tyM.


watch Out..iTs coMing! =P

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 2:46 PM :)

cinTa yaNg kuCari

i lurVe dis soNg. iTz a jazzY feeling soNg by dis indOnesiaN sinGer - toMpi. his genrE is more to funk, r&b, souL, hiP hop, nu-jaZz, sWing aNd boSsanova. he haS a couPle of catchY engLish soNgz as weLL. diS song waS d firsT song i heaRd froM hiM..reaLi2 like d soNggg.. wHeeeEe~

Cinta yaNg kucAri - tomPi

meski ku sadari cintaku padamu
penuh kesalahan
aku telah mendua telah melupakanmu
abaikan cintamu kuyakin kau tahu
akan segalanya

tiada salah yg telah kau perbuat
hanya keraguanku
apakah kau cinta yg aku tunggu
apakah kau rindu dalam mimpiku
maafkan aku

‘pabila mungkin saat semua berubah
kuharapkan rasa sayang itu tetap ada

reff: dan jangan berakhir cintamu padaku
sungguh ku tak mau kau jauh diriku
maafkan segala raguku padamu
kini kusadari cinta yg kucari

yOu caN find sOme of his soNgz in d pLayer beLow. enJoy d soNgz!

Get your player at Mp3Profiles.com

aLL my tinGz r not pacKed..n i'M not readY to gO.... =P Liat nyerrr naK keNa kLuar oPis niEeee... kweNg kweNg kweNg..

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 6:09 AM :)

~seLf caRe~

i M lookiNg forWard to My looOoNg leaVe nexT weeKend n beYond.

ya, i'M not goiNg oN a hoLidaY. i'M not speNding it anYwherE greaT or excitinG. sO wad? taT maKes me sucH a bOre? taT maKes me a Loser or suM craP whO taKes leaVe anyhOw?

i duN tinK so.

i eaRn taT priviLege. i haVe a joB which i worK haRd at. i dO werK & dedicaTe mY tyM & efforTz (my liFe even!) to It.

i'M movinG so faSt. i bareLy breaThe. i juz nid taT spaCe 2b oN mY oWn. to refLect on tinGz.

tO resT my heAd.

sORry if it souNds too simpLe to yoU. i aM simpLe. simPle IS me.

soRry u wereN't inforMed. if taT made yoU tinK i'm seLfish, ya..i AM being selfish. 'coS i'M taKing d breaK for me, for myseLf.

i haVe reaSons doinG wad i'M doinG. i'M@croSsroaDz onLi i caN go throUgh oN my owN.

hOw did my simpLe intentioNz & neeDz becOme sumting so wroNged?

No. No prOzaic pLeasee.

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:29 AM :)

hisToric eveNt iN sLackers' hiStory: a triBute
Saturday, May 06, 2006

30th April 2006 - haRi ini dalam sejarah: d eLdest aMong my sLacker maTez, misTer rasHid...got enGaged (finaLLy!!)..AlhamduLillaah.. (",) aLL of us weRe so hePi anD exhiLaraTed weN he broKe d newS to uS. n weLL, he haD to shaRe d neWs oN my enGagemenT day. so, it waS doubLe joY foR d gruP to haVe receiVed taT pieCe of neWs last maRch.

iT was a daY of fUn n ceLebratiOn, fiLLed wif fOod, teasiNgz, raLLying (we haD ouR owN versiOnz of eLectioN camPaigninG) & (mis)adventureZ. beGan ouR daY wiF d mRt appoiNtmenT turNing oUt 2b a caB-shaRing feaT insTead. bOy, d daY was hot pLus kiTa, d wesTerneZ weRe rushIng for tym tO briNg ourseLves to d easTern part of d isLand.

d fOOd was greaT - briyaNi paWerrrr.. ;o) goiNg to d gerL's pLace, we boaRded d buS, onLi to geT dowN again 'cos d bUs broKe dowN. taT was a bLessiNg in disGuise be'coS it broKe dowN befoRe we lefT for her pLace. iMagine breaKing doWn in d miDst of d eXpresswaY. tidAaaak!!! =P

aLhamduLillah, everyTing wen weNt durinG d pertunaNgan ceremoNy. heRe's sharinG sum shOtz froM d evenT day (courtesY of myseLf & eLin! ):

wuN b comPlete withOut shotz wiF mY 2 deaResT!

oF kos, iTs pasTi posiNg wif d haNgz & gerLfreNzz.. =P

moRe shOtz for d viewing pLeasuRe..

Cik Munah was g-r-e-a-T & as usuaL, her preseNce added spiCe to d whoLe ganG outinG. suRe hebOoohhh!!! ended d daY wif a birFdae pwessIE for rasH. iT was a oNe loNg daY; buT it waS werTh d anTicipatioN! n oF koS d coMpany.. anD theM too!!:

rasH's 2 nePhewz: kiUt kaaaNnn!!!?? watching theM grOw made me miSs my nieCes n nePhewz weN dey weRe juz inFantz, toddLerz & littLe oNes!

LookiNg bacK..i've beeN wif d geNg siNce i waS 17 yeaRz old. i waS juZ a goiNg-to-coLLege gerL sumHow making freNz wiF peePz froM another secondarY skuL. n surprisingLy (deLighted too, ya..), aLL of us haVe haVe maintaiNed d freNshiP tiLL now.

we haVe studied toGether, Go for raYa outiNgz togeTher, biTched, craPPed, handLed crisEs, camPed & chaLet-ed toGether, becKon each oTher to geT driVing & ridiNg licenses, recruiTed neW memberz to d grup (=P), seE each oTher faLL in & out of Love, goiNg hiKing & beacH-ing, traveLLed toGether, n d besT ting we dO toGether: sLack! haHA! suRe we've haD our differeNces, bUt ultimaTely, aLL thaT asiDe..d spiriT of frenShip bindz uS togeTher.

yOung aduLtz mosT of uS now..iTz thaT phAse in Lyf weN d settLing doWn wiF a partNer is begiNNing. 3 doWn, aLL d resT to gO. mY dO'as r wiF aLL of U, insyaAllah. maY aLL of yoU fiNd tHe oNe that wiLL maKE you happy & bLissfuL; for d gerLz, oNe who caN lead yoU & for d guYz, oNe whOm can accept yOur coLourfuL characters! =) aMiin..mOga diberkati usaHa kaLian untuK meNcari pasangan yang soLeh & soLehah!

nOW: waiT & watCh d metamorphOsis. smiLe & looKing forward to neW reLatioNs 2d gruP......

smiLe guYz & gerLzzz!!! =D

Oh ya, hePi poLLing siNgapore. menGundi iTu adaLah saTu tanGGungjaWab. (undiLah, kak Mala! kak Mala! kak maLa! **doubLe griNzz**)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:22 PM :)

aLmost thEre

i coUld jUz leaN anYwhere & doZe off ryT nOw...

aN hour's sLeep. Hourz of braiN ceLLz & adrenaLine rushiNg compLeting 1 rePort. 1 rePort thaT gOt mY braiN stucK in a Big hoLE of emPtiNess; boY, i suRe couLd noT wriTe fOr daYz. i aM so stoNEd nOw.

beiNg siCk waS a bLessinG in disGuise. i sLacked myseLf roTten weN i waS on MC. i caMe back to werK d nexT day, suMhow reJuvenaTed & wiTh proDuctiviTy bacK on traCk. weRdz n ideAz caMe out, n bOy, nOw i caN't waIt to geT d otHer 2 BIG rePortz doNe as weLL. *ahaKzz*

deaR Allah. giVe me d streNgth & pLease keeP my eyeZ wiDe oPen foR d nexT 4hoUrs @leasT.

nexT: tuiTion.

ZzZzzzZzzz...iT's becKoninG. aaRh!

bTw: hePi 24tH KiaAaaa!!! *griNzz* greeNer pasTures, More raiN, shiNe & rainboWz ahEad!! (",)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 9:25 AM :)

GroUse of d daY for d sicK minD
Thursday, May 04, 2006

i toT gerMs & viRuses duN diffErentiaTe beTween a singLe, taKen, aTtached, coMMited, maRried, yoUnG or Aged individuaL. adVance sunggOh kaLo gerMz paNdai deciPher staTus oraNg yG dier naK attacK. kaLo naK dataNg saKit, sakit loRr. aBeh naK saYa buaT ape? pakai ShieLd tahaN saKit.



toWards oraNg saKit.

oNe oF d uLtra craPpy tiNgz i caN't staNd.

sudaHlaH. p reHat stoNe lagiK baiK.


doubLe pFfffTtt.

triPle pFffTtt.

faJ-turNed-groUch oredI.

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 12:28 AM :)

tOk abOut developmentaL sTage hUuh??
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

leT me shaRe a versiOn of deveLopmentaL staGe....

i Guess diS is 2 yeaRs oLd??

aNd dis mYt be 3 or 4 years oLd??

sO, daH besaR budaK nie sekaraNg.. =P


well..kiDz r cuTer weN de r much..mucH youNger..aren't theY?? =)

Okies..oFf to d dOctor's nOw. *faJ froWnz*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 9:15 AM :)

indOn mOod

i M in d indOn-sOngz mOOd. cOmes oNce inawhiLe weN i geT to uPdate mY soNgz dataBase wiF d laTest (or proBly no-sO laTest) indOn soNgz. *ahaKz* cuRRent tuNez r froM maLiq & d'essentiaLz, kaHitna, aDa baNd & teN-2-fiVe.

i lurVe dis soNg frOm maLiq & d'essentiaLz..

kurasakan sudah
ada ruang di hatiku
yang kau sentuh

dan ketika
kusadari sudah
tak selalu indah cinta
yang ada

mungkin memang
ku yang harus mengerti
bila ku bukan yang ingin kau miliki
salahkah ku bila
kaulah yang ada di hatiku

adakah ku singgah di hatimu
mungkinkah kau rindukan ada ku
adakah ku sedikit di hatimu

bila kah ku mengganggu harimu
mungkin kau tak inginkan adaku
akankah ku sedikit di hatimu

bila memang, ku yang harus mengerti
mengapa, cintamu tak dapat kumiliki
salahkahku bila, kaulah yang ada di hatiku

kau yang ada....
di hatiku......

bila cinta, kita takkan tercipta
kuhanya, sekedar ingin tuk mengerti
adakah diriku, singgah di hatimu
dan bila kah kau tau, kaulah yang ada di hatiku

kau yang ada....
adakah ku....
di hatimu....

i aM in miseRy riGht noW. noSe sniffiNg. fLowing. stuffiNg. gaWd.

mY bodY is heatiNg uP & i aM feeLing coLd.

mY braIn haS stoPPed functioNing.


*faJ coNtinUez to basK in her indOn soNgz.*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 7:25 AM :)