falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**suMtinG abOut marriaGe**
**giMme suM TLC.. =P**
**wriTe riGht**
**peopLe & tinGz i miSs..verY2 mucH..**
**THE madNesS haS beGun!!**
**taKinG a breaK**
**weddIng beLLz**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::

Your Say

Thanks To

Designer: blueskyx* LG*
Edit: Adobe Photoshop CS2*
Fonts: Dafont*
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

i'Ve beeN charMed!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005

i'M on leaVe todaY!!! wOohOo~ sO wad's d pLan?? sLack..sLack..sLack.. laTe luncH wiF yUn@beaCh rOad. i feeL lyK eaTing tuLang..& @nyT, gerLfreN oUtinG to waTch suM 'HorLicks, miLo, teH tariK' pLay@bLack bOx. N yA..i'M hoMe aLone agaiN..asiK keNa tinggaL jer ngaN maK & paK..bOo hOo hOo..anaK terBiaR gitU..hurhurHur..

niwaEz..i'Ve beeN eatiNg mY heaRt oUt on d nEw seaSon of d chaRmed seriEs. i LoiKeeeee......pSssTt..deR's a New wiTch!! saPer nak teNgoK, biLang jer Ks..wiLL gLadlY shaRe my coLLectiOn wiF U..hurHurHur.. *grInzz*

biLLie's d neWbie.. sHe's kiUttt..StubbOrn tho'.. =P

iS it a muZ for wiTches 2B seXy?? =P

i aDoreee..whiteLightErz!! mOSt of d maLe whiteLighTerz in d shOW r sOoo..kiuTtttt!! =)

stIll finDing LurVee..sHe iS.

beTween wiTch-InG & motherhOod..

hMmm..i couLdn't finD aNy mengancaM imaGes of briaN kraUse thO'.. yeaHz..he'S mY faV whiteLighter. eVa siNce d daY he wOrkeD as a haNdymaN@d haLLiweLL's hOme..yeaH..taT's How lOng i'Ve beeN adorIng hIm. *kwaNg2*

PipEr's kIDz r sOoo kiUttt...WyaTt!! he'S growinG uP..& i stiLL can't fiGure out hiS brO's naMe. heHe...imaGine haVing maGicaL chiLdreN...but weLL..aLL chiLdreN briNg maGic & jOy to yOur werLd, duN thEy?? =)

LemmE contiNue basKing in chArmeD laNd! i M sOoo-enJoyiNg my day's LeaVE from werk!! (",)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 2:58 AM :)