falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
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::October 2008::

Your Say

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carPe diEm!!!
Monday, October 31, 2005

CarPe diEm!! SeizE d daY!! yerPzz2..taT is waD i'M doIng nOW..i dUn haVe d luxuRy of LeisUre tyM & braiN ceLLz & inspiratIon 2b pUttiNg uP muLtipLe posTs oN dis bLoggiE....hurHurhUr..

So..treaSure Wad's heRe..b4 i gO intO hibernatiOn agaIn fOr i duNno hoW maNy moNth-hiaTus. HAhahHAHa!!

i doUbt i haVe much foLLowing on dis bLog; buT iF u juz haPpened 2 reaD dis Line & d Lines theReaFter..i thaNk thEe frOm d boTtoM of mY heaRt feR cariNg tO foLlow mY traiL of thOughTz & mY raNtz...

dO hOpe taT my enTrieS haVe aDded thOughtz or eveN smiLez to yeR faCez.. tenKiu oNce agaIn frenz & feLLow bLoggerz! [naaAah..hehe..i'M in deniaL!! =P]

k Lah..me waNNa go saHur nOW!!

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 7:58 PM :)

speciaLLy fEr U..



deDicate dis pieCe to deaR..liFe, besIDes my famiLy..aLso incLudes U deaR. (",)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 7:53 PM :)

iTz deaR's biRfdaE!!! =D

iTs aLmost 3am in d moRning. jUz soLat n stUfs. sO stoNed. bUt deN agaiN, aiN't I aLways? HahaHAHa..

1st & foreMost: HAPPY 25th deaR!!! sLamat uLang taHuuuNnn.. sLamat uLang taHuuun..sLamat uLaNgtaHuUun tO deAaarrrr.. sLAmat uLangtaHunnn!! LaLALaalAlaaa.. *appLAudz* u'Re aLreaDy a quaRter oF a cenTury. i
praY foR yoUr heaLth, saFety & most of aLL, ur haPpiness. maY HE grant you puRpose in Life. maY HE also gRant US d maturiTy in prePariNg ourseLves fOr fuTure resPonsibiLitieS...insyaAllah, imPian kiTa akAn tercaPai. aMiin. Let's Do'a toGether k swiTz? (",)

a couPle of tiNgs haPPened todaY (erMm..yesTerdaY & a biT of tOday?)

i waNna shOut oUt 2d werLd tHat..fuiYoOooohhh..i goT my shOes oreDi!!! wHeeeeEe~ not oNE, bUt 2 paIrz..i waS so tempted 2 geT a 3rd paiR of fLip fLopz.. CharLes & keitH seeMz 2b haVing oNe heLLuva saLe & i sweaR d shOp
waS fiLLed by 80% of d maLAy/musLim popuLatioN doIng lasT miN shOppiNg. i m sO satisfiEd wiF my purchAse.

1sT paIr. Love d coLour. wiLL definiteLy go weLL wif my raYa outfiTz!!

2nd Pair. loVe d desiGn & simpLicity of iT & i caN uSe it feR werK as weLL!! =P

wheeEe~ & i geT a biGger chaRles & keiTh paPerbag!! *faJ whOopzz*

I deciDed to go foR sLip onz diS yeaR. seNang naK jaLan & gO in & oUt peoPle's hoUse weN visiting. *griNzz* i tiNk i'm geTting too oLd feR bacK heeL straPz & knOtz. hMmm..sHeesh..i'M contempLating wheTher 2 geT myseLf a paiR of sandaLz or fLip fLopz..C & K haVing a BIG tyM saLe...i wouLd bUy much more iF i haD d caSh & space 2 stOre at hOme. hEhehHE.. =) *faJ swOOnz oVer c & k shOez*

my Shoes done, i waLked aboUt caUseway poiNt & poNdereD & mUSed wHat i shOuLd geT fer deaR's birFdaE pweSsie. haIzz..i juZ noe he waNz a watcH, bUt aM not suRE if my choiCe wiLL suiT his taSte. sO i waLked & stumbLed uPon diS shoP. sO i seeKed d saLes gerL'z opiniOn oN gUd sport watchEs. sO she recoMmenDed me diS:

umBro spOrts watch!

oF coUrse i knOw nUtz & kLutz about sPorts waTches. i jUZ weN aLong 2heaR d sAles gerL's expLanatiOn. i feLL in loVe wiF d waTch d 1st moMent she oPened d dispLay caSe. i feLL in lurVeeee wiF...:

looK@d waTch caSing!!! iTs a sOccer baLL & itS so adorabLe!! deaR loVes soCcer to biTz [weLL, duN most men??]..& i loVE d waY d waTch is dispLayed, siaP deNgan piLLow lagik..sO cosY waAaannn..N ya, iTz a spOrts waTch, sO deaR caN use it On hiS weeKly or weeK daY ruNz! =D pSsT..duN teLL deaR waD i haVe goTten fer hiM hoRr.. =P alhamduLillah, d priCe range of d waTch is wiThin my baJet.. yeaHz..i'm a hePi gerL 'cos i maNaged to geT wad i waNted frOm caUSewaY poiNt. taKya naK feNing2 pk laGIk laaH..

hmmmmMm..i do hOpe deaR wiLL fiNd d pWessie practicaL..nak cariK hadiaH oraNg2 lelaKi niE ade siKit susaH leRr..hURhuRhUr...moSt impOrtaNtLy, i do hoPE he LoVez d giFt!! he beTtaa!! GrRrrr~ *wiNkzz*

LeMme see waD eLse haPpened to Me...oH ya, teNk gaWd i diN doZe oF duriNg tuiTion. i surviveD d 3 hRs!!! i'm kiNda nerVoUs tOo fer mY tuTee. sHe'd b haVing heR paPer in a wK's tYm. hoPe sHe puLLs thRu' & geTz an imPrOved graDe fer her MAths paPEr!! (",)

aFter tuitiOn n shoppiNg, gO hoMe, resT, eaT bubOr kaCanG, stOne, sTone, sTone & chaTted on Msn eTc eTc..

pLeasant surPrise I oN MSN: mY heaRt juz cLickEd on a Name taT i haVe not toKked to fer a Long, loNg tyM. oNce uPon a yesTerdaY, we usEd 2b preTty cLose in a seNse. we coUld taLk on d phoNE fOr loNg & shAre our woEs. shIt haPPenz, peopLe change, perhaPz i chaNged tOo. bUt on diS nyT, i juZ waNted to asK him hoW he waS doiNg & wiShed hiM a gUD syawaL. i waS toUched taT he repLied mE, aLmost as if d paSt diN haPpen. i disCovereD taT he waS not weLL. i recaLLEd a tyM he haD to gO fOr freQuent checK-uPs. he diN elaboraTe furTher aBout his heaLth bUt shAred tAt he caN't b as actiVe as previous tYmz. i gaVe hiM my besT wisHEs, seeKEd forGivenEss & toL hiM taT i'd praY fer his Gud health. d whoLe tiNg, thO' short, waS preTty toUching. i waS moVed...by mY oWn instincTz. i jUz waNted 2 nOE hoW he waS doinG; sumhoW in taT instaNce, i feLt d freNshiP reJuveNated....

pLeasaNt surPriSe II on MSn: another cHat wiF my uNi juNior whOm i'VE nOt meT feT qUite sUm, sUm tYm. She waS doWn wiF chicKen poX & i praY she geTs weLL sOon. desPite d leNgth of tym we haVe not meT, we cOnneCted & stArtEd toKkinG wIf eaSe aBout Life, our Men & reLatioNshiPz. i reaLi feLt guD recoNnectinG bacK wiF heR..& sHE diD saY it waS nicE 2b catching uP wif Me... AwWwww..ta-Ched agaiN me.. tsk..tsK..

dIS sUrpriSes set me tiNking..perhaPz i m moVing thRu liFe so faSt..my reLatioNshiP wiF peopLe frOm my pasT & preseNt becOMe a "hi-Bye thinGy" oR a "One-hit wuNDer". iT scaRes me..i nOE deR r maNy faCtors taT couLd b preVentiNg inteRactioN wiF d peopLe i onCE meT & knEw...bUt ya, can't heLp tiNking bT d paCe oF liFe & d boNds lOOsenEd bY tyM.

fOrtuNa muZ b smiLing doWn on ME. Allah too i guEss..a ramadHan reaLisatiOn. i m tenkfuL fOr i haVe beeN giVEn d oppOrtunitY tO 2 leaSt recoUp bacK my lOSses & reNew d bOnds brOken or shaKen bY tyM & huMan expErieNce..

everY day suRe is SumtiNg.. (",)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 7:45 PM :)

daPor doNe!!! =D

hurhuRhur...morE of mY pre-syawaL misAdvenTureZ..hehe..weLL, smLm diN manaGe to cLean d kiTchen, 'coS daD paInted mY rOom & maDe a whOle mess oF d sTate of tiNgz in my rOOm. *siGh* deNgan taK reLa haTi daN hidoNg yg seLsema dan kepaLa yg peNing ku kemas biLik ku peLan2. by 11+ i was aLL zonKed. tiRed tseH, feLt liKe i was goNna faLL sicK giTu. GrrRrr..n d baU caT so memenIngkaN. teNx to odiN's (my 4th siSta) peTua, pUt oniOn haLves to aBsprB d smeLL of d paiNt...n it werKed!!! mY roOm is smeLLy no More..kweKwekwe..

ya, taT's boUt ysTerdaY. So toDay, i manaGed to cLEar d kitcHen areA!! WhEeEee~ i ransaCked aLL d caBineTz n duMped mOre stUffs!! d kiTcheN's a real ruckUs!!

LooK@aLL d juNk maN..heHe..toL ya i ransaCked d pLace! taT's juZ waD's On d cabineT groUndz. u haVe seeN nothIng yeT!! *griNzz*

N ya...taKe a Look@ taT stacK of baJu on d caBinet Landing. Mak seWs baJu
kuroNg fer peopLe. diS stacK is d sOon 2B readY baJuz, among whicH r 2 of mY gerL freNz' baJu. kesian Mak aKu. berseNgkaNg maTa berjaHit baJu. heHehe.. n oF koS in d stacK is oSo uRs truLy heRe nYer baJu lORr..iTs oThers baJu b4 miNe. Ceeett!! =P

LooK @ aLL d ruBbisH. tOld u mY hoMe liKe museUm giTu!! HAhahahaha!!

hEhehe..tiNk suM of U muz b tinKing..ini ruMah ke....aPe eHhh? haHa..giTu laH aroUnd mY hoUse; a Lot oF harTa karuN & beNde2 laMa. my mOther pLak, kaLo naK buaNg baRang, shE wiLL tinK 100X 1sT. kweKweKWe..

once doNe wiF d caBineTz, i MoveD on 2 cLear d draWerz. tiNg 'boUt my maK is taT she wiLL juz stUff tiNgz in d draWer in a disOrganized waY. diSorganiZed, yeT she nOEs wHere her tiNgz arE. Wad iroNy! ;o) duN liKe diS parT coS..maNy tiNy 8-LeggEdz weRe around. sO yeT agaiN, i waS arMed wiF d iNSecticiDe spraY caN. feLt baD 'kiLLing' thOse tiNgz laah..yeT deY giMme d creePz. sO nOW n deN diS paRt of d cLean uP waS punctuAted wiF my sCreaMz. teEheeHee..

nOw, lOok@d knicK knaCkz & stUffz in d draWer..oPening d draWer enUf 2 giMme a headAche. haIzzZ..pLastic baGz lah, currY powder laaH, ruBber baNd laah..mak..maK.. tiN k oLd peopLe lyk daT lah..jUZ ciNcaii.. kweKzz2..
meSsing uP d fLoor to orGanise d baraNg2 niE..

teNgoK haA tUh!! Ya aMpUuuUuuUuuuUUNNnnNnnNnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deSpite d dugaan & cabaRan di daPur..akhirNya..kU lengkaPkan juGa bahaGian tugaSan2kU..huRhURhuR.. seTerusnya, mISi meNgeMas kaBinet daN daEraH siNk & daPur gaS diSeraHkan kePada keTua cHEf dLm ruMah iNi, iaItu ciK lEha.. [mY maDer laH tUuHh!! =P]

gUnunG daIk teLah ku daKi; guNunG aPe pLak Yer kU naK naiK pLakz? hahHAHhah..daH..naMpak saH stArt meNgarot seBab kePenaTan... aIyoOoo.. caMne niE naK meLalui caBAran haRi ahaD seTerusNya - tuisYen peTang nanTi!!! aAaarGgh..haraP2 maTa saYa taK aLah paDa kepeNatan nanTi.. hurHurhur..

sUdah LaaaH..aKu naK sHower, soLat & siaP2 p tuisYen. aBis tuisYen goNna siNggaH charLes & keiTh @wOodLands feR my shOEz & probabLy huNt feR deaR's birFdae pweSent as weLL.

haVe a greaT resT of d daY peopLe!! n yA, i'M on leaVe agaiN toMorroW. So, misAdveNtuRez 2b contiNUed..sTAy tUned. *wiDeee grInzzZz*

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 4:48 AM :)

waD is it liKE 2b diFfereNt?
Sunday, October 30, 2005

mawNing werLd. i m stoNeinG afTer saHur niE..kweKwekwe. hMmm..waTched 'fuLL circLe' smLm & haVe suM tHotz stuck in me heaD.

waD iS it Like 2b diFferent? diFFerent ideaLz, diFferent gender, diFferent opiNionZ, diFfereNt personality etc etc Etc. DeR's aLwaYs toK aBout accepTing differeNces, beinG opeN to uniQueneSs, taT diFFereNces r gOod & taT we shOuLd accePt & appreciAte peoPle as deY aRe. buT i wuNDer to wat exTent dO peopLe reaLi toLerate diFfereNces?

waTching 'fuLL circLe' smLm reaLi gaVe me an insiGht intO d brutaLities of beinG differeNt. i appLaud d maiN charaCter; coS i tiNk it taKes suM1 liKe hiM a loT of coUrage 2 coME forwaRd & shAre his Life's stOry.

LeroY is a perfOrMer. a maLay-musLim maN, he was moRe interesTed in beiNg d oPposite geNder. peNdek kaTa, diEr macaM kuMar laH. So, d episOde waS shAring hoW his famiLy, especiaLLy his daD did not accept hiM; hOW he feLt so isoLated & aLone; hOw he struggLed in uphoLding hiS differeNce thRu'out his Life. nOt verY surE if hE is a hoMosexuaL; buT ya, waD's fer sUre is tHat he is a Drag artisTe lah.

iN my heaD, i thOught. caMne ehh. HomosexuaL behaviOur, or@leasT behaviOurs not befiTting yoUr owN sexuaL orienTation is sinfuL in Islam. oN 1haNd, i waS appaLLed taT leroY braNi tampiL ke hadaPan untuK berkoNgsi cerita nyer; oN d oTher haNd, i appLauded hiM foR his braVery. d story coUld haVe opEned paNdora's bOx 'coS it maY be encouRaging oTher's of LEroY's kind to coME forwaRd; bUt on d otHer haNd, deR r uniqUE n diFFerent peopLe amonG us in soCiety, anD we neeD to celebratE thaT as weLL. WooHoo~ kekadaNg susaH naK reconciLe d twO.

i recaLLed an incideNt whErE i diScoVered tHat a freN i'd knoWn sinCe mY secondarY skuL daYs, is actuaLi gaY. i haD alWays knOWn him 2b a guD musLim & geE, i suRe diN nOe how to reaCt to thaT newFound knowLedge. i waS torN. aS a musLim, i waS disaPpoinTed. As a sociaL werKer, i undersTood & appreciAted differeNces.

i googLed "homosexuaL in Islam" & i foUnd sUm interesTing materiaL.

  • Homosexuality is considered sinful within Islam
  • Homosexuality is a profound mistake
  • Humans are all naturally heterosexual
  • Homosexuality is caused by environmental factors, particularly near the time of puberty.
  • People can control their thoughts and steer themselves away from homosexuality
  • Homosexuality is a chosen sexual orientation.
  • Any homosexual can become a heterosexual.

Makes me wuNder if hoMosexuaLity; or d incLinatiOn 2beHave liKe d opposIte geNder (girLie boYz, toMboY gerLz etc) iS a tesT in itseLf giVen bY HIM to certaiN individuaLz. a tesT for whO? d individuaL or thOse he/she Loves? dO u rejeCt d persOn u loVe if u fiNd thaT he/sHe is thaT differeNt? If reLigiOn teaChes d vaLue of relationshiPs wiF oThers, iS der aNy leewaY fOr d 'diffeRent' oNes to exisT in sociEty or eveN d coMmunitY itseLf? aiYa..soRy..diS issUe maKing me haVe internaL discoUrse in my heaD. caN't eveN concretiSe my toTz proPerLy.

hMmm..sUm peopLe shUn individuaLz like LeroY; fOr deY r diFferent, & taT thEir choiCe of lifestyLE defeaTs d law of naTure perhaPz? bUt on d otHer haNd, thEse individuaLz r aLso humanz who vaLue liFe, relationshiPz & r also individuaLz with eMotioNz & compassioN as weLL. hMmm..

heRe, caN reAd bOut diS issUe fuRther is u r inTEresTed - HomosexuaLity in d LighT of isLam and Islam & homoSexuality. Oh ya & checK tis Out too: a gaY affaiRz weBBie of soUth afriCa.

moRe HmMmmzzz... * faJ contiNues poNderiNg* teNkiU lerOy feR shariNg ur stoRy. it certainLy is maKing me re-thiNk boUt certaiN tiNgz....

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 10:06 PM :)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

oh ya befoRe i foRgeT....

2 more daYs to deaR's birFdaE!!!!

hurHurhuR...daH sukU abaD daH ciK abaNg niE.. teeHeehEe..

surPrise..surPrise..i stiLL haVe not fiGureD wat i shouLd geT for hiM.. sHeeSh.. baD gerL freN ryT me? heHehehe.. =P

OkOkOkOk..ciaOzz..meBBe i'd b inspireD in mY dreamZ..HAhahHAHa..

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 6:32 PM :)

geYlanG agaiN

iTz 3 am in d morNing & i'M stoNing aFter mY praYerz. u noE hoW koNg ajiaK ur eyEz caN be. biLa tGh soLat & baCa qur'aN mata terkebiL2 & terLentok2. dabiS soLat, ngadaP koMputer terOs terbeLiak baLikz. aDooOoii...caMnie taK tercapai laH niaTku untuK khataM qur'An diS ramadHan. sLack tseH. haIzzZz.

niWaez, tadI ku ke geyLang deNgan anaK sedaRe kU. ma
iN agenDa caRi kaSot & tukAr seLendaNg ku. bOught a seLendaNg d oTher daY & d coLour diN maTch leRr. yerPz2. i couLdn't fiNd a paiR of shOez whIch suIted my taSte. aDe laH saTu nie, taPi my siZe dabiS. daH camtu, deN i combeD geyLang baZaar, jOo chiaT compLex & TKc foR mORe seLectiOnz. tiaDa yaNg memiKat hatiKu. taKpe, taKpe..esOk b4 oR afTer tuisYen siNggaH charLes n keitH. akaN ku beLi juGa sepasaNg kasOt esOk. eH saLah..naNti petaNg.

lucKy tuTty. sHe maNaged to geT a paiR of shOEs. i liKe her shOEs; taPi tu Lah, leceH aRh keNe criSs cross nie. taKpe laH. 4HEr eaSy 2 dO taT. saYa yaNg bertudoNg niE ade susaH sediKitz. huRhurHur..

So as pwoMiseD, pIcz of my sTore-rOom cLean-Up. kweNg kweNg.. =P

i mesSed uP d haLL wiF sTuffz frOm d store Room!!

d diNing tabLe wasn'T spaRed eiTher!!

amOng d 'treaSureZ' frOm d stOre rOom. [d vaLue oF it is another stOry hOrr..=P]

lOok mA..uR anaK daRa keMas stOrr TseeeHhh!!! wOohOoo~

yeahzz..begituLah advEntureZ ku meNgemas stOr. actuaLi, i seLdom cLear d stoRe rooM 'cOs i haTe d duSt. usuaLi maK cLears it; buT weLL, diS raYa is diFfereNt. siNce i'M on Leave, maY as weLL scoRe extRa poiNtz & cLear d stoRe rOom 4 hEr rYt? *grInzz & wiNkzz*

haIzz..i teLL u ah, cLean d stoRe roOm gives me a heaDacHe..cos too maNy tingz in deR. naK ikotkAn hati, i juZ waNNa chucK aLL d juNk; bUt QC leveL alwaYs neVa approVe waaAannn!! maK aLwaYs saY "saYang naK dibuaNg" & d junK becomes TreaSures in oUr stOre room! rumaHku muziUm antik dOook!! heHhehe..

Ok laH..i waNna gO zZzzz..i'Ve aBoUt 6 hRs moRe b4 werK staRtz. *yaWnnNnzz* nYtz werLd! (",)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 6:26 PM :)

2 doWn, moRe to gO!!!!

whEeEEeeeeEEe~ i finisHed cleaning the store rooM todaY. i aM so hePi. probabLy goNna sTart on d kiTchen tonigHt. see my mOod hOW loRr. coS i feeL liKE goiNg geyLang tonYt..Heheh..iF i'M not tirEd, wiLL staRt wiF 1-2 cabinetz in d kiTcheN. ShEesH~ i m sO shacKed oUt each tyM raYa coMez. 'coS i m d oNi oNE doIng d maJor cLeanIng. daD's cLeaning effoRtz are mooD-depenDent; & maK usuaLi settLez d kiTchen 'cos she cooKing n stuff. terpaKse laH saYa maInkaN peraNAn tuKang kemAs dLm rumaH nie. naSib raYA setaHun sekaLi. kaLo 2-3 kaLi, pengsaN akU..as usuaL..untuK audieNz-auDieNz ku yaNg mengiKutI adVenturez pre-Raya kU; ku perseMbaHkan gaMbar stOre yaNg diKemas, sebeLum dan seLepas.. HAha..

aLAmak..naMpaknYa bLog nYer fungSi gaMbar ade masaLah. jaDi itu terpaKsa tunggUlah yer?

fWaaaah...stiLL got quite a nuMber of pre-Raya tinGz to dO. aiYoOo..toMorroW me werKing. sO liaT afTer 2-daY hiaTus@hoMe. HAha! nebermiNd. i loOk forward to sLacking nexT weeK coS aM onLi werKing haLf daY oUt oF d whOle week; whicH is on hari raYa eVe. WooHooOo~

checK out my remaiNing pre-raYa to-dO lisT; mentaL note to mySeLf:

a) Kitchen cabineTz - tonighT & toMorroW
b) cLeaR haLL cupBoarDz & Tv cuPboaRd; wiPe d wOodY tiNgz in d haLL -
c) waSh & wiPe windOws; settLe mY rOom's stuFz - mondaY
d) chaNge d cusHion coVerz; finisH cLeaninG waDeVa's leFt; go paSar;
anYam ketuPatz -
e) touching uP; heLp maK iN d kitChen; lePak, sLot in caSh intO d greeN
pacKetz - eVe of raYa
f) LepaK & let my sisTaz dO d werK - HARI RAYA!!!! wHeEeeEe!!

fWaaah...i m freaking organIsed diS yeaR. i gUess i'Ve learNt my lessOn frOm previOus yeaRz. sInce i'm werKing, muz juggLe d pre-Raya tasks wiF werK. teNk gaWd i'Ve d priviLege of taKing leaVe. tOkking boUt leaVe..waNna noE my leaVE baLance fer d yeaR?? hurHurhUr.. i stiLL have 3 daYs from lasT yeaR 2b cLeared sOon. dis yeaR's 21 daYs r unusEd, thaT wouLd b caRried forwaRd to nexT yeaR.. dudidUdidU..in aLL, fer nexT yeaR, yoUrs truLy wiLL haVe a totaL of 42 daYs leaVE!!!!!!!

mYt as weLL giVe a generaL updaTe of whAt i've beeN up tO siNce i weN intO secLusion from blOgspot. Hahahaha..leMme see.. i weN to kL wiF my gerL freNz. thOugh it was Juz a weeKend tinGy, i haD fuN posing as a tai-tai in kL.. hurhurhur..

u couLd view d KL piCz @aNa's siTe heRe.

dUn praY-praY oKie..i sTayed @hiLtoN hoRrr..neVa goNna b abLe to dO thaT unLess deaR geTs proMoted to a maJor or caPtain or sumtinG liKe taT.. *cHeeky griNzz*

as usuaL, woRk has beeN keePing me occupieD. wiF h.O.m.E.@sT. 52 around d corNer, i m sUre begiNning 2b busY. weLL, thOse whO r frEe, do droP by d eveNt ya?

oh ya..ramadHan aLso provided mE wif a tesT in fOrm of a caSe whicH reaLLy, reaLLy put mY toLerance, paTienCe & hardiNess on d Line. tiNgz aRe a bit settLed nOw; buT beneaTh d caLmness, deR lieS undercurrenTz stiLL. i shaLL braVe on & insyaAllah, will be abLe to manaGe dis case weLL. ChecK ouT my raNtz on mY ramadHan tesT.

ok Lah..goNna stoNe around n hOpe n praY taT d bLogspot's foTo functiOn is uP sooN..buKa's goNNa b in an Hr's tyM. Lalalalalalalaaaaa... =D

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 8:58 AM :)

teMp joB in proGreSs
Friday, October 28, 2005

hURhurhuR...greeTings feLLow reaDers n bLoggerz [Like as iF thEre were maNy2].. niWaez..haHa..so muCh foR my resoLve to uPdate tiS tinG reguLarlY.. aLas.. i haVe faiLEd..haahhaa..buT freT noT, akaN kU saMpaikaN ceriTa2 senSasi pabiLa ku memBuat entrY di siNi..hurhuRhur..

aidiLfitRi's next weeK. haIzz..macam taK teraSa tseH. biG shOut-Out to Mash feR givinG me mY ferSt [aNd oni] haRi raYa kaD. heHe..sHe never faiLz to seNd me onE eacH year. waHAi iTah..kaMu lah teMan seJati..hehe.. =) reaLi2..i appreCiate it muCh. saLam LebaraN tO u tOo. ciaNz dier aDe exaM. yeaH..beeN deR, doNe taT.. seKsa batiNku jiwa daN raGa, pabiLa terpAksa menDuduKi pepErikSaan tYm raYa.. heHe..aLaah..u'LL puLL thrU wiF greaT resuLtz.. u aLwayz do, mY freN. *faJ cheeRz for itaH* hiP hiP huRRay2!!

@d moMent..i m on LeaVe 2b a fuLL-tyM housewiFe. HaHa..teMporaRy joB in proGress niE. cLeaninG in proGreSs..cHeck oUt d staTe of daRuraT in my rOom. i rePeat: MY rOOm!

Ini KatiLku: dihuMban deNgan beBArang

ini LantaiKu: deCoraTed wiF unwaNtedz

Ini meJaku: daH..jaNgan caKap..

hMmm..i reaLi haVe no Mood to ceLebraTe diS yeaR. raYa's becoming mOre & moRe rouTine each yeaR. aLL d hassLe of cLothez, shOEs, handbaG. peNat. naK bangkitKan smaNgat keNa deNgar Lagu raYa baNyak2. hurHurhur. i'VE droPPed bY geyLang twiCe so faR. thinkIng oF goIng agaiNg toMorrow nYt wiF my nieCe. heHe..firSt waS wiF my sLacker maTez. brOke faSt at HaWa's, deN jaLan2. daMMMNnn pacKed siA! tOok suM picZ wiF sUm in d grOup. waSn't taT enjoYabLe coS 1) it waS stUffEd & 2) it waS juZ tOo faSt & rusHy. aiYa, sHouLd haVe taKen sUm piCz@d maKan tabLe.

hEhe..tenGok ah budaK2 nIE..ade jeR posinG.. but kiut kaaaanNn? *griNzz* bUt ya Lah, d liGhtinGz behiNd a bIt spoiL d piC. diN taKe anY piCz wiF my oTher gaL maTez. eVeryBody sO ruShiNg. swepT thRu' geyLang & ouT we weN to lePakz@ya saLaam fer suPPer. vaN riDe was fUn coS d gaNg waS crOoninG raYa soNgz@d toP of theIr voiCez; naZ waS aNNoyiNg wiF his bLabbeRz & non-stoP pet-poTz..HAHA!!

waNNa share wiF d werLd moRe piCz of mE & my littLe sisTa. taT woMan aRh. duNNo hoW to smiLe pwoPerLy. taKe wiF me sHe pLay2; taKe wiF naZ..waH piaNg..smiLe wiDe2 tseH. teeHeehEe..

muKe macaM keNe terrorisE poN ade, maCam badOt aDe..taK terkaTa aKu...yUn..yuN.. =P eH.. tapi yuN deNgan naZ macaM ade poteNSi giTu..HAha!! tidaaAaaKkkk!!!

tu Lah diEr ciK eLin kiTa...heHe..but i loVe d enD producT moRe...

mesRa nYer kiTaaaaa.... (",)

yeaHzz...taT waS d geyLang triP. i weN agaiN d foLLowing moNday wiF deaR. kesiAn ciK abaNg kene masOk keM semiNggu. hehe..gini laH oraNg keJe deNgan gaBermen. HurHUrhur...kaTak2 terPakse kuaRantiN. meH faJ dedicaTe kaN laGu dendang peranTau untuK deaR. Haha! ok pErrr..kLuar keM jEr daH eVe raYa. nexT daY trOs hurraY2. *wiNkkzz*

k laH..naNti ciTer2 lagiK. niE naK kaT buKA daH. maK masaK lontoNg niaRi. peroT poN dah laPaU..weaK arHhhhh... =P

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 9:38 AM :)