~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)
26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.
i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.
my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*
cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)
give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]
mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!
**i miSs hiM~**
**nEw shOe aFfair~**
**leFt oUtside aLone**
**shout it Out loUd!!!**
**y chaNge?**
**yasMin aHmad's laTest & probabLy onLy maLay poeM**
**mY faVourite Love qUote**
**reD carPet pLeaSeeeee....**
**wRappIng SooN..YeahZzz!!!**
::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::
i meT a lady todaY. uNkemPt shE waS. wiF her littLe gaL.
"waD are uR issUes lady?"
heR answeRs brieF.paUse. aNd shE stAres.
"heLLoooo..eaRf caLLing maRz..eaRf caLLing maRz.."
sHe repeaTz earLier staTemenTz. paUse. aNd sHe staRes.
i asKed quesTioNs agaIn. deR seeMs 2b nO issUe. tiNgs seeM 2b fiNe.
maYb u'R not reaDy to toK 2 Me. bUt u caMe unexPecteDly laSt weeK. unaRRanged. tOk 2 me miLady. waD? hOW? whY? whEN?
i goT a biT frustraTed.
paPer n peN i gaVe her. meBBe u niD tiMe to soRt ouT ur toTz. maYb toKKing's haRd. 10 miNutes? tinK aboUt it. & i'LL b baCK?
baCk in 15 miNutes in faCt. n aLL she wroTe weRe 2 lines. 3 werDs. 2 numBers.
"Ok, leT's nOt foRce her." i saiD. maYbe shE's nOt reaDY?
i reviEwed mY materiaLz, gaVe her mY toTz, suMMariseD d sessiOn.
sHe was starIng bLanks agaiN. diS tyM, diffeRent. heR eyeS reD. beaDs roLLing doWn.
thOse eYes. spOke to Me. deY looKed loSt. desPeraTe. deY seeMed 2waNt to teLL me suMting. buT waD? waD miLady?
iF u aiN't toKkinG, i aiN't ListeNing. i caN lisTen 2 d uNspoKen, bUt heLp me. giVe me d certainTy of uR werDs.
sPeak miLadY.
u haVe my eaRs.
sPeak mOre.
& i'LL giVe u mY haNds.