falling hearts


~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)

26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.

i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.

my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*

cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)

*HUGS* TOTAL! give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]

What Inspires?

Her Tunes

By My Side

mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!

Precious days

**a PreggiE's refLectioN**
**coMic reLief**
**Date Of d yeaR....**
**d oNe abOut motHerhOod...**
**I loVe U becaUse......**
**d missiNg pieCe is missiNg agaiN**
**d iNNer d(A)emOn**
**picTure perFect**
**speLL: e-L-e-v-e-N**
**mY reD 'Ain**

Lost Memories

::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::

Your Say

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TiaRa jaCqueLine aS PGL
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

GusTi PuteRi RaDen AdjEng reTno duMiLah.. Posted by Hello

PGL aS a whoLe..d ciNematograPhy desErveS appLauSe..Clapping sTar-StuddeD casT & aLL..pLot-wiSe..a Lot oF fLashbaCks, teLepaThy epiSodes & oTher diMensiOn fYt sceNes..heHe..scRipT wiSe..i tiNk d riMa & LanGuagE waS exceLLeNt iF u reLate it to d TheMe oF staR-cROsseD LurVeee.. Tears foR thoSe wHO beLong tO d speaKing LonDon (proNounCed aS lawN-doN) cLass Like mY aLong, wouLd probabLy neeD tO briNg soMeonE to deciPher d storyLine & diaLogues foR deM (aS in wHat i haD to Do foR aLong 3/4 of d tiMe whiLe watChing d Movie.. =P)

OkiE..tiaRa jaCqueLinE aS PGL..as u caN see aboVe..sHe's gOt a preTTy LonG naMe..sHe'S preTTy..N i tiNk sHe pUt in eFForT laH to meNjiwaI heR watak..heR luRvee fo tuaH so deeP.. i eXcerPt oNe oF heR maNy werdS heRe:

"AdiNda berSumpaH..jiKaLau kekaNda tdaK kembaLi..adinDa aKan menYusuL kekAnda..menGinJak paDa taNah yaNg
saMa..bernaFas padA uDara Yang saMa.."

PGL iT seeMs waS a woMan wHo waNted 2 individuaLise & fiGhT for her hak, heR riGht to LoVe & right tO chOOse..woNder iF she couLd exerciSe heR ryT if sHe weRen't stuCk in daT feudaL sySteM whEre woMen, generaLLy haD no voiCe & d poWer to deCide..iF sHe weRen't iN tHat eRa..haIzzZ.. Hate It When That Happens

hMmM..suSah eh duLu2..hoW doeS suCh indiviDuaLisM exiSt iN d feudaL sySteM? LoVe daT cuTs acRoss poLiticO-socieTaL cLasseS..iT seeMz caN't sTand oN iTs owN wiThouT d muRka & tuLaH frOm d daYang & guNdiK hunGry suLtaN, d poLiticaL feUds..keSian TuaH deNgan PGL..diD he muNtaH daRah tO deaTh..oR diD deY Live a LurVe wiThouT siGht & touCh..onLy to HeaR & yeaRn foR eacH othEr's LoVe..Broken Heartsigh..i wunDer..

sHe haS kuaSa saKti..bUt daNg..hoW i wiShed foR heR tO do suMtinG to d stOopiD suLtaN weN hE jatuhkaN thE cuRse..weLL, deN agaIn, sHe miGht bE prOtecTing tHe inteGriTy of heR kingdOm bY noT oFFendiNg & chaLLengiNg hiM..HmMm..diLemmaS..wHat 2 dOo.. teRpaKsaLah diA menjaDi permanenT reSidenT kaT puNcaK guNunG ledaNg..Prekestolen

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 12:10 PM :)

pUteRi guNung LedaNg feVer...

fOr d 1sT tym in ages i decidEd to go Jb ovEr d weeKeNd..beeN deR bUt seLdom doNe taT..haha..paRt of d reaSon coS wanted to waTch Puteri GuNunG LeDanG Lerr..heHe..diN waNNa miS ouT wiF aLL d hoo & HaAs..aLaah..tu PoN bY d tyM i wanted to WatcH..3/4 of D m'SiaN popuLatioN haS probLy watChed iT likE 2-3 tiMez oreDi.. Indifference

hMmm..sO mE weN baCk wiF my aLong (proNounced aS ah-Long; a.K.a. eldesT sisteR)to Her hoMe in JB..fuLL oF zeSt & gusTo, We heaDed tO ciTy sqUare..1 tiNg i Muz saY, CT squaRe muZ chaNge iTs naMe to aH-LiaN squaRe..GroSS laaH..MosT of d shOps deR sOoOo LiaNz waAaan.. Goth HaHa..laSt2..PGL's scReeninG aT d ciTy squaRe has alreadY enDed..waDuuH..beRkeCai haTikU..haMpa..guNdah guLana.. ;o) (waH piaNg..sO bAngsaWan waAaNn..=P)

BuT weLL...mY triP wasn't waSted lah..P angsaNa pLaza aFter cT sQuare & goT to SpenD quaLity tyM wiF aLong..suMtiNg i'Ve noT doNe foR a reaLLy loNg tyM..hmmM..tinK HE waS giVing mE a chaNce to coNNecT wiF mY famiLy memBer..juZ daUnTed oN boTh oF uS daT mE, M-E..iS a grOwn uP aduLt..probLy shoCkeD aLong morE hoW groWn uP her LittLe ah-gerL is.. hehe..yeaHzz..sHe's d onLy sibLing whO caLLs mE ah-gerL eVen thO' i'M LiKe waT..23 yRs oLd? sHe koLs mE daT in fRonT oF heR stuDents onCe.. so maLu-fuL..N d littLe priMary skuL kiDz weRe laFFinG at Me..muaHaha.. Bag Head

CeRita CinTa aGunG..?
Posted by Hello

thaNk abaNg LonG tOO cOs tHat piRate in HiMPirate actuaLi boUghT d PGL VCD oRedI..n He diN teLL uS untiL aFter We caMe baCk frOm oUr angSaNa escapaDe..heHe..noT mucH of a quaLity moVie-waTching baCk aT her pLacE coS i'D to Put uP wiF shaDows waLking paSt d moVie sCreeN & sHapes of peopLe's heaDs..caN't coMpLain muCh ryT siNce daT's d leaSt cOnsoLatiOn i haD & 20cenTz verSioN of WatchinG PGL.. Rocking Happy

So..aFter waTchinG d ciKeLa'aK veRsiOn oF PGL..waT caN i SaY bT d muCh sPecuLateD, cRitiCiseD & sCruTiNiseD EpiC moVie in M'siaN fiLm hisTorY??? mY 2 ceNts weRth coMing ryT uP..

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 12:10 PM :)

TuaH..bertuAh betoL eh kaMu.. *roLL eyez*

oKies..introDucing neXt in d LimeLyt..siFu m.NasiR aS tuaH..

HanG tuAh
Posted by Hello

WiF his MoustaChe & shaBBy haiR-dO..tO me hE quiTE maCho pLaying TuaH in PGL..heHe..oKie..before i caRRy oN coMMentinG, i quoTE:
"DeMi segaLa peNgorbanaN yaNg diNda
LaluI..deMi segaLa peNderitaAn yaNg dinDa aLami, daN deMi segaLa kemunGkinAn yaNg paTut kaNda laKukaN..kaNda buTa diNda..kaNda buTa..."

Oh YeSs..U r indEed bLind TuaH..buT deN agaIn, U haVe diLemmaS toO..n d faCt daT u're wif d dilemmaS pUt uS in diLemmas tOo..geT it? Get A Life Haha..mE & mY minD-boGGled quesTioNs..kweK kweK..

WeLL, aS d HisTorY booKs puT iT..TuaH iS diS greaT waRRioR, undefeaTed, LoyaL etC..etC..buT yA..invincibLe, yeT defeaTed by LurVee in PGL..You've Lost Your GourdHeHe..d iroNy of it aLL..TuaH d GreaT, waS ruNning liKe a maDmaN & LyinG in MUd..desPeraTe & disaPPoinTed.. faiLed..as a LovEr & a ServaNt of d couRt..hoW can he comPromiSe boTh duTies? fyT foR hiS loVe & faCe d wRatH of suLtaN, OR.. serVe d suLtaN & faCe d desPaiR oF a LoVer...eiTher waY, TuaH's stiLL toRtuRed bY our deaR suLtaN..he'S suCh a scHeminG fiGure in HistoRy duN ya TinK? hE aLWayS haS to WanT whaT othErs waNt.. n wHen he Gets iT, hE haS to toRmenT hiS suBjecTs bY using LoyaLty as a tooL..hendaK ke tidaK, TuaH stiLL haS tO faCe PuTerI @ d coUrt shouLd sHe maRRy d suLtan..(whiCh shE diDn't..waS iT a bLessiNg deN daT she dIdN't aCcepT d suLtan's proposaL??)

n d DebaTe coNtiNues...whO's d baDDiE Grim Reaper in d shOW deN? iS iT tuaH whO failed tO fyT foR hiS haK; oR waS iT d suLtaN CrownwhO dePriVed d suBjecTs oF thEiR haK..oR weLL..u caN bLamE iT on d sysTeM as a whoLe..oR iS iT d FeaR & oVerwheLminG loYaLty tO d ruLing cLass daT maDe iT haRd fo peopLe tO evEn tiNk oF suCh a coNcePt aS individuaLism & fReedoM oF choiCe?? Confused

bTw..i reaLi loVed RahiM razaLi aS thE bendaHara..He diD justice to D chaRacteR..haS daT chaRisMa & aUra laaH..HeHe..mE wiLL defiNiteLy waTch PGL agaIn..iF iT eVa hiTs d sKriN in s'PoRe.. =)

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 12:09 PM :)

sePet LeaDz
Friday, September 24, 2004

sePeT LeaDz... =) Posted by Hello

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:51 AM :)

yooOOhOooo~ anYbody HooMeee??? =P
Friday, September 17, 2004

hEre kaMz d traIn.. Posted by Hello

Yeah..YeahZzz...i'm back..frOm a superbLy loNg breaK..waT 2 DoOo..noT disciPlineD & bo-LiaoZ enUf to reLigiousLy update mOi's bLog..haha.. Cool Haha..OkieS..iTs tyM to uPdate werLd , & peN down my Tots oF stuFs daT has happeneD..lalala..reaDy...geT set..goooo.. Track

Of kos, d fresHest tiNg on my minD would be tHe triP to KL..Vacation 1d shOp tiL u droP cuM reSt triP..NeedeD a daMn gud breaK frM weRk..so KL waS iT..WaS der over d nat'L daE weekend.. noT suMting mY mOm & dad appRoved..No No No*grinZ* bUt oF toS, i Wen aheaD anYwaez..haha..

LeFt foR kL on fRi nyT bY traIn..arriVed @KL in d maWning..My gaWd, bY d enD of d traIn ride..mY buTT soRe arH..Shocking Moony haha..i reaChed hoMe frm KL @ a reCord tyM of 3+am duDe..iF mY pareNts weRe awaKe, deY wD haVe screaMed their heaDs oFF at MoI..kweK kweK..

TenX 2 kaMa & heR maNy triPs deR, she naVigated myseLf & her Other KoncoZ aroUnd KL..sO i had d oPPortuniTy to visiT d moSque, d muSeum, shopping centRes, shopping markeTs, shoppIng plazAs.. eh..daNg..de aLL meaN d saMe.. =P Sales Rack

So enJoy broWsing thRu d piCs aS i taKe u thrU my KL triP.. lalalala.. Oh Ya..foRgot to menTioN, d aBove piC waS at putRajaYa staTion, afTer d triP to puTra mosQue..mE & gaNg weRe headinG baCk tO d centraL traIn stAtiOn..Conductor

GaWd..noW i feL lyK goinG baCk deR..earLy nexT yeaR perhapS? Goofy anY taKErs aS mY kL triP kaKis??

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 5:16 AM :)

tRain riDe@kL
Thursday, September 16, 2004

OhMiigaWdd..beNde alah bLog niE susaH toL sekaraNg eH.. LeceH Nak MamPoooSSsss..feD up Aku..duLu senang akU sumbat manY2 piC daLam saTu posTing..niE punYer laH susaH..akU nie daH lah tak tech-saVVy langsoNgg.. adOoii..Eyebrow

iN d traIn.. =)
Posted by Hello

yeaHzz..aH..Look@ daT..d traIn @ kL sentraL daMn kooL..hehe..unTong2 caN meeT suM hunkY kiuT looking MAS StewarD in d traIn..al-maklomlaH train ride to puTrajaYa is oSo d Line foR thosE headinG to the KL AirPort..yeahZz.. kweK kweK..wouLd b kooL foR SMRT to haVe suCh comFy, ride-friendLy traiNs.. *GrinZ* i reaLi LiKe d SeaT coloR.. purPle!!! so gerLieee...heheheh..

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:45 AM :)

pUtRa mosQue

d 1st stOp after reaChing KL waS puTra mosQue..yeaHz.. weN deR with the stoInked Look..Bloodshot once we got down d traIn, weN to fresHen Up & heaDed 2 d moSque..daT incLudes a traiN ride to putraJaya, plus a bus triP to nowhEre..haha..caN u imagIne, we actuaLLy 2 haVe d asK d buS driVer weDer dey'R heading to a certain destinatioN eveN tho' iTs pasTed on d desTinatioN daT deY'r HeaDed thaT waY.. keNtaL betoL..n mY triP mateZ r noT d kiNd to asK..last2 aKu juGak yG keNe tebaLkan muKa taNya c dreBar baS tu.. Wild & Crazy

pRasaN boLLywood....mY waY.. ;o)
Posted by Hello

heHe..aMacaM? poSe hinDustaN taK? haHa..seMpat akU braNgan kaT tiaNg waLkway@ PutrA mosQue..heHe..i LiKe diS piC..kiUt peRR.. haha..suDaaAah faJ taK taU maLu puJi diRi senDriK..

-thOughTz sPoKen @ 11:44 AM :)