~peNgLipuR LaRa~
*Age: 16 pLus 10, CaNceRiaN
*GeNdeR: VeNuS
OccuPatiOn: proFessionaL heLper
*LoCatiOn: hOme is wheRe d heaRt is (",)
26 years have paSsed & many more fruitfuL years of Life ahead, insyaAllah. I tenK HIM for every breaThe i taKe & for aLL HIS bleSsings.
i aM stiLl learning, stiLL falling, stiLL risinG, stiLL loVing, stiLL whininG, stiLL appreciating, stiLL discoVerinG. i aM STILL.
my heaRt is fiLLed with lots of Love nOw. in 6 weeKs tyM...d heaRt wiLL be overfLowing much moRe wiTh loads of iT! *griNzz*
cOm'on, wuN u aDd more lurVee in my Life & GimmE sUm T-L-C!! (",)
give juzfaj more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
[better tomoRrows]
[to be induLged in bOoks & muVees]
[to be marrieD to thaT sUmoNe]
[weLL-deServeD resPite & resT]
[..& ONLY YOU]
mengaPa iSa?
wrIte & pLay!!
duNia bakaL pM.. =P
d reD oNe =D
leMonz r swit!
teeNy-bOoper aLeeya!
aNa's horNy? =P
woMen wHo wiN
a fooL he is Not!
Linda's LaiR
X-TuTee.. =P
funKy juNi.. ;o)
yuN deaRest.. =)
kak ManJa!
A qaMostrophic Lyf
taN sri?? =P
kaK dieLLa
peNtas aKu!
**oNe for sorRow, 2 for joY? erMmm..oNe for jOy, or ...**
**tWo siDes of a coiN**
**d StoryteLLer**
**rememBer the first tym?**
**bangKok Dii MaaK Maak!!!**
**taKe thiS... and thaT...**
**doubLe depressiOn & suM greaT musiC!**
**budaK LelaKi loronG beLakanG.. erKk.. budaK jaLan ...**
::June 2004::
::July 2004::
::August 2004::
::September 2004::
::October 2004::
::August 2005::
::September 2005::
::October 2005::
::November 2005::
::December 2005::
::January 2006::
::February 2006::
::March 2006::
::April 2006::
::May 2006::
::June 2006::
::July 2006::
::August 2006::
::September 2006::
::October 2006::
::November 2006::
::December 2006::
::January 2007::
::February 2007::
::March 2007::
::April 2007::
::May 2007::
::June 2007::
::July 2007::
::August 2007::
::September 2007::
::October 2007::
::November 2007::
::December 2007::
::April 2008::
::June 2008::
::September 2008::
::October 2008::
liFe is LikenEd to a journEy. we, r traveLLers' whO waLk on paThs anD roaDz and manY grouNds n terraiNz; @ tyMz we wouLd croSs paThs, interseCt opportunitiEs or eveN treaD on groUnds unknowN to Us. iT is on thoSe groUnds that perhaPz, we ouGht to actuaLi coVer our arSes...'cOs shouLd we continUe treaDinG on unknowN groUnds without understandiNg d natUre of it...we couLd b in for every steP, is a steP takEn by otHers befOre..... taLes r LearninG lessoNz. gooD for otHers. fOr u, how so? Labels: attitude, context, journey, step
BIG MAJOR troubLe.
instaNces of Late haVe cauSed me to refLect mucH; oFten abOut werDs said, actioNz doNe, intenDed or noT, attituDes seeN & obserVed. abOut hoW individuaLs seeKz to enteR or shaRe certain paThs/groUnds wif suM otheRs whO haVe waLked theRe befOre theM.
its heartBreakiN' weN I) oNe assuMes dey r "IT"; II) oNe doEs noT respecT oThers' pLace in d paTh III) oNe speaKz & assEsses hOw deY experieNce d waLking withoUt looKing @ d conText - d histOry, d naTure & conditioNs of d paTh taKeN, or simpLy IV) arrogaNce.
knowIng ur pLAce & hOw u fit in d scheMe of tinGz wouLd definiteLy servE gOod pUrpoSe in One's jOurneY throuGh liFe.
Eat huMble piE if u muz; but juZ watch ur stePs wiLL u? traveLLers' haVe eyeZ. n deY carrY taLes too.